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Thank you for coming to our 4th birthday party!

What a wonderful, heaven-sent, sunshine-filled, homemade-cake, sing-songs-in-the-sea-air kind of evening we had! Thank you to Claire for organising the Selsey Molls to appear (which was so wonderful) and for the time each of them gave to singing for us. The sea was that sparkling, deep, iridescent blue - we all know it. And when it appears, made possible by the dusk sunshine, it never fails to bring beaming smiles and feelings of wonder at the world and what it means to be part of a nature-loving community such as this.

Here's a little video of a few of the images captured down our evening down at Lifeboat Way.

So here's a hoorah to you all, and to those of you who couldn't make it for one reason or another - you were all missed. What a brilliant way to welcome in the summer sunshine (finally) and our fifth year of being, supporting, wondering, joying and of course, bathing...

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